Subscribers Guidance
Engineering and Expertise
Our specialist engineering services for our SaaS clients include wind resource assessment, layout optimization, logistics planning and bottom-up cost assessments.
Early-stage screening
We support the process of site screening, coupling site and supplier data with economic factors to identify the optimal sites for offshore wind in a given region.
Wind Resource Assessments
We advise on and undertake energy yield analysis, including wake losses and other sources of losses, to support the planning and financing of offshore wind projects. Our wind resource assessments are based on deep analysis of synthetic wind datasets (during the early stages) or metocean measurements.
Layout and Yield Optimization
We are experienced in evaluating site and turbine layout, with a focus on maximizing yield. Combining our extensive experience and our advanced in-house systems, we advise on the best methods for layout design and ensure they are aligned with offshore wind project stakeholders.
Bottom-up Costs assessments
With extensive experience in budgeting, we perform project cost predictions based on statistical models and advanced simulations – covering capital expenditure, operational expenditure, development costs and decommissioning costs.
Transport & Installation planning
Vessel logistics and transport play an important role when analysing and evaluating the installation of an offshore wind project. With our experience and advanced systems, we are able to provide high quality suitability assessment of vessels and harbours for any specific foundation and turbine, as well as cost estimates of the most realistic scenarios.
Contract negotiations
We advise our clients throughout contractual negotiations, covering all the necessary technical and commercial interfaces with a strong understanding of the cost functions and maintenance during the lifetime of the offshore wind farm – including many risks that may otherwise have been overlooked.
Geographical Information Systems are an important part of offshore wind engineering. We are specialists in QGIS and ArcGIS, alongside our own Youwind software, and can pre-process any GIS layer. This enables us to provide high quality, traceable mapping for any site or project.
Any questions?
Let’s work together to accelerate your offshore wind project development.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’re happy to help