Youwind FAQ
Youwind FAQ include specific questions about the usage, calculations, and specifications of our IT platform, as well as pre-sales topics, and general wind energy concepts that will help you to get started.
FAQ About Youwind

Yes, during the Project Pilot or Annual Subscription you are going to receive IT support and offshore wind expertise support following the onboarding procedure. Technical support based on IT functionalities is included throughout the duration of your contract.
Yes, you will be able to use Youwind on a global scale.
Yes, you can use our IT platform from different locations, no need to have the same IP.
No, it is a web-based IT platform consisting of different Apps that answer key questions relevant when developing an offshore wind project worldwide.
No, the onboarding procedure is included in our subscription fees.
Our platform is constantly validated using Google Chrome.
Click “Contact us; Request a Demo” on our website to leave your data and we will contact you as soon as possible.
The onboarding procedure consists of dedicated onboarding sessions for a reduced group of users where we go through a real case that is chosen by the client, to go over all functionalities of the IT solution and discuss Q&A while users are trying to do it by themselves. Normally onboarding is successfully achieved after 1 to 3 sessions per group. Technical support based on IT functionalities is included throughout the duration of your contract.
Yes, we do provide student licenses. We will have a preliminary interview with you to get to know the content of your work and how we can support you best.
We offer Annual Subscriptions and Project Pilots for a specific project with a short-term duration.
FAQ Platform usage

Optiwindow · Pixel · Pixel Park · Youwind model
Platform usage · Optiwindow
Yes, it is possible to add specific weather data in our logistic planner such as wind speed at harbour and wind/wave data at the site through “Edit weather data” on the Activity Section of Optiwindow.
Platform usage · Pixel
The water depth of a pixel is at the centroid. Once you generate a layout, the water depth as each turbine position is used.
When screening your area with Pixel, you can set the wind farm density which is the power capacity (MW) divided by the area (km2) and with the power capacity, Pixel app will split the designated area into different small sub-areas called “pixels”.
Yes, you will be able to download GeoJSON files in the Area Screening (Pixel) and Park Layout Design (Pixel Park).
Yes, there is the option to upload your own layers with additional environmental requirements or local constraints that you might have using “Upload more Geo Layers” functionality.
Platform usage · Pixel Park
Yes, the layout generated using Pixel Park by Youwind takes the footprint radius into account so that the turbines and mooring lines are within the development area, which might be a need for consent/permit purposes.
Yes, the layout generated using Pixel+ by Youwind takes the footprint radius into account so that the turbines and mooring lines are within the development area, which might be a need for consent/permit purposes.
Yes, all the parameters are updated directly.
When generating a layout, we use the complete wind direction probability distribution, and optimize the energy production for all wind directions (weighted by their respective probability).
Platform usage · Youwind model
Yes, you can create new items in our system.
Through the company profile, you can send an invite to your colleagues, and they will be able to join and work on your projects.
Many users can work on the same project, as long as you save your changes for the rest to see the updates live.
Yes, you can do so using “Compare Projects” field at Youwind model and you will visualize the comparisons in the section “Project Overview and Finance”.
In our Vessel library, you can find the main technical parameters for the vessels: leg length, deck area, and pricing. You need to make sure the bathymetry matches the leg length (including air gap) under “Maximum water depth” and that the vessel is equipped to transport units of the turbine MW selected, and that the hook height matches the hub height.
You can share all the information inside your company profile, and it is stored following high standards of confidentiality.
FAQ Platform calculations

Export cables · Foundations · Mooring lines · Offshore substation · Wake models
Platform calculations · Export cables
We assume an extra 5% for a single cable length of the distance from the onshore substation to the centre of the park. Considering the capacity of the export cable, then we multiply the single cable length for the number of needed cables depending on the park capacity.
Platform calculations · Foundations
Yes, Youwind calculated foundation weight includes the foundation and the transition pieces’ weight. Youwind also calculates the mooring length and cost depending on the bathymetry and type of floater.
Platform calculations · Mooring lines
Mooring lines are made of chain or wire rope and follow a curve that is described mathematically as a “catenary” from the point where they connect to the turbine to the point where they land on the seabed due to their weight. Along the seabed before reaching their anchors, allowing the use of drag embedment anchors, which are typically more affordable than anchors designed for vertical forces. Because of their curved profile and need for length on the seabed, catenary moorings generally have the longest lines and the largest anchor spacings. Youwind calculates the length directly with the bathymetry but with different scaling categories:
• With bathymetry between 0-200m, the scaling is 4.5x water depth,
• With bathymetry between 2-600m, the scaling is 4x water depth,
• and with >600m the scaling is 3.5x water depth.
For example, if the bathymetry is 100m, then the length of one line is 450m and if you have 4 lines the total mooring line length is 1800m.
Mooring lines are typically made of synthetic rope and have minimal contact with the seabed, relying on rope elasticity for their compliance, requiring anchors that can withstand both vertical and horizontal loads. In this analysis, we choose a 45° angle between the mooring line and the seabed to represent a minimal anchor spacing option for semisubmersible and spar platform types. Youwind calculates the Taut mooring line length with the bathymetry based on the assumption of 45° angle, as line length= √2* depth. For example, if the bathymetry is 100m the length of one line is 141m, and the total length of all the lines is 565m (4 units).
Tension Leg designs use high-tension mooring lines oriented vertically with anchors designed to withstand high vertical loads (e.g., suction pile anchors). The distance between anchors is approximately equal to the width of the floating platform, representing the minimum possible mooring footprint. These designs require a specific platform type with extra buoyancy. Youwind calculates the Tension leg mooring line length directly with the bathymetry. If the bathymetry is 100 the length of one line is 100 and if you have 4 lines, the total mooring line length is 400m.
When using the foundations’ categories: Spar Buoy, Semi-Sub Floating or Tensioned Leg Platform mooring lines are needed. After selecting the foundation category, you choose the mooring system: tension leg, taut and catenary included in our preset library. You will be able to choose the number of mooring tethering lines connected to the platform and seabed.
For different mooring system types, the footprint radius is the following:
• With Tension leg it is 30 m (based on Design considerations for tension leg platform wind turbines – ScienceDirect)
• With Taut it is the same as water depth.
• With Catenary it is (sqrt (line lenght^2 – depth^2)) based on the conservative assumption of a completely straight-stretched line.
Platform calculations · Offshore substation
We currently have equal capacity for each offshore substation, rounded up to the next 100 MW. In this case, you would have 3 offshore substations of 700 MW.
Platform calculations · Wake models
For Turbopark, Ørsted has provided a comparison case on
For the N.O. Jensen model (NOJ), we use the implementation of PyWake, for which a validation report is provided in here
FAQ Data sources

There is a method entering manual values but not as the effective wind speed but as the wind speed distribution with the Weibull function. Then, the wind speed will be an output of this distribution. The Global Wind Atlas wind speed has a 3km resolution, and you can get the Weibull Scale parameter A and Weibull shape factor k values by downloading their map. You can add A and k values in the wind resource section of Youwind Model and please make sure to empty the Mean Wind speed at 100m and 150m values. You can also upload your wind time series from GWA in the Wind Temporal Analysis section “Upload time-series file to Youwind”. We recommend however using the values in the platform that come from Vortex.
Our IT platform includes an extensive list of preset settings. Some sources include publicly available information as well as back-engineering data based on our extensive experience in offshore wind. The specific sources will be listed on our platform.
We will be pleased to do so including the level of uncertainty you will be comfortable with; in case it is useful for our customer. Please contact us to evaluate each case.
We are continuously adding new layers: from designated areas for offshore wind energy by country to technical and environmental constraints, human activities, and other useful data for calculations, such as harbours and onshore electrical substations
We have an API that provides GEBCO, General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, data in 450m resolution. Should the user have other sources of bathymetry from e.g. a geophysical campaign then these can be uploaded also with the turbine positions. Then all the foundation, cost and financial parameters update automatically if the user chooses so.
The wind data source is ERA5, 20 years average with a 1km resolution. If you indicate one coordinate the closest node within 1km is displayed. To get the exact datasets at a specific coordinate in a 100m resolution or a time series, a run from Vortex is needed that is integrated in Youwind model. The Vortex platform and Youwind is directly integrated so all the runs you have in Vortex in the proximity of your area are loaded into the Youwind project.
FAQ Wind energy

The power coefficient, Cp, is the relation between converted wind power and available power in the wind fluid flow. The maximum power coefficient, Betz’s law, is 59,26% which is the maximum available wind power that can be converted to mechanical power at ideal conditions.
FAQ Wind farm components

Wind Farm components · Turbine
It has three: the rotation of the rotor (azimuth), the rotation of the nacelle into the wind (yaw) and the rotation of the blades in their lengthwise axis (pitch).
At low speeds, there is not enough wind for the turbine to rotate. The wind speed when the turbine begins to rotate is the cut-in speed. The maximum wind speed where power can be produced safely is the cut-out speed, as with stronger winds the loads in the rotor will be too large. The cut-in and cut-out speeds depend on each turbine.
The most vulnerable components of a wind turbine are: the gearbox (preventive maintenance by frequent oil changes); yawing brake system; damping elements and vibration sensors; blades that need to be constantly monitored and may require to be cleaned or exchanged after 5-10 years of operation; electronic control system; and bearings.
The Nacelle hosts the drivetrain (bearing, gearbox, brake, generator) and power electronics equipment (converters, transformers) in a turbine.
The rated power is the power output limit that is fixed with the electric generator.
Wind Farm components · Mooring lines
There are three main types: Tension leg, taut and catenary.
FAQ Wind project

The timeline of a wind energy farm has 4 main phases: The development phase where the right site is located, the wind farm is designed and the permits are obtained (up to 10 years), the Implementation phase (1-2 years), the Operation and Maintenance phase (20-25 years) and the Decommissioning/Repower phase (1year).
The main stakeholders of a wind project are local citizens, politicians, utilities, universities, scientists and engineers, NGOs, financial institutions, fishing industries, military, consumer associations, the tourism sector, and cultural entities among others.
Several aspects must be considered when placing an offshore wind energy farm: wind resource, environmental impact such as marine habitats and avifauna with its migratory routes, water depth and seabed properties (bathymetry and soil), distance to land and to harbour, grid connection and available capacity, access and construction, land ownership, planning permissions, navigation routes, military zones, among others.
In wind farm developments we need to address the following aspects:
• Aerodynamics (blades and structures)
• Mechanics (machine elements, strength of materials, novel materials, testing)
• Electrical Engineering (electrical machines, grid connection/integration, load management)
• Electronics (controls and power electronics)
• Controls (control theory, hydraulics, pneumatics)
• Civil Engineering (foundations, roads, power lines)
• Transport Logistics; Design & Architecture
• Economics
• Project Planning & Management
It stands for Abandonment and Decommissioning Expenditure and can be calculated as a percentage of CAPEX or the user can add their own budget also directly.
It stands for Development Expenditure. The development costs include overall development services during the environmental impact assessment and consenting process (engineering, wind resource assessment, surveys..).
The wind speed is considered at turbine hub height, 100m, 150m and 250m and the system extrapolates it using the wind law at the hub height of the selected turbine.
Up to 25 years.
The revenue of a wind energy farm depends on the energy production into the grid’s meter and the electricity price.
The losses and efficiencies that Youwind model considers are: Wind turbine availability (%), Wake loss efficiency (%), Blade degradation (%), Array cable efficiency (%) and availability (%), Export cable efficiency (%) and availability (%), Balance of plant losses (%), Offshore substation efficiency (%) and availability (%), onshore substation efficiency (%), Capacity curtailment (%), Grid availability (%), and other minor losses (%)