Mooring lines are made of chain or wire rope and follow a curve that is described mathematically as a “catenary” from the point where they connect to the turbine to the point where they land on the seabed due to their weight. Along the seabed before reaching their anchors, allowing the use of drag embedment anchors, which are typically more affordable than anchors designed for vertical forces. Because of their curved profile and need for length on the seabed, catenary moorings generally have the longest lines and the largest anchor spacings. Youwind calculates the length directly with the bathymetry but with different scaling categories:
• With bathymetry between 0-200m, the scaling is 4.5x water depth,
• With bathymetry between 2-600m, the scaling is 4x water depth,
• and with >600m the scaling is 3.5x water depth.
For example, if the bathymetry is 100m, then the length of one line is 450m and if you have 4 lines the total mooring line length is 1800m.