Several aspects must be considered when placing an offshore wind energy farm: wind resource, environmental impact such as marine habitats and avifauna with its migratory routes, water depth and seabed properties (bathymetry and soil), distance to land and to harbour, grid connection and available capacity, access and construction, land ownership, planning permissions, navigation routes, military zones, among others.
Academy_Wind Project
What does ABEX stand for?
It stands for Abandonment and Decommissioning Expenditure and can be calculated as a percentage of CAPEX or the user can add their own budget also directly.
What does DEVEX stand for?
It stands for Development Expenditure. The development costs include overall development services during the environmental impact assessment and consenting process (engineering, wind resource assessment, surveys..).
What height of the wind is considered for offshore wind energy farm calculations?
The wind speed is considered at turbine hub height, 100m, 150m and 250m and the system extrapolates it using the wind law at the hub height of the selected turbine.
What losses and efficiencies should be considered in an offshore wind power plant?
The losses and efficiencies that Youwind model considers are: Wind turbine availability (%), Wake loss efficiency (%), Blade degradation (%), Array cable efficiency (%) and availability (%), Export cable efficiency (%) and availability (%), Balance of plant losses (%), Offshore substation efficiency (%) and availability (%), onshore substation efficiency (%), Capacity curtailment (%), Grid availability (%), and other minor losses (%)
What is the revenue of a wind energy farm?
The revenue of a wind energy farm depends on the energy production into the grid’s meter and the electricity price.