The wind data source is ERA5, 20 years average with a 1km resolution. If you indicate one coordinate the closest node within 1km is displayed. To get the exact datasets at a specific coordinate in a 100m resolution or a time series, a run from Vortex is needed that is integrated in Youwind model. The Vortex platform and Youwind is directly integrated so all the runs you have in Vortex in the proximity of your area are loaded into the Youwind project.
Data Sources
Which bathymetry data are you using?
We have an API that provides GEBCO, General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, data in 450m resolution. Should the user have other sources of bathymetry from e.g. a geophysical campaign then these can be uploaded also with the turbine positions. Then all the foundation, cost and financial parameters update automatically if the user chooses so.
For some analysis I would like to compare with Global Wind Atlas wind data, can I use this data in Youwind model?
There is a method entering manual values but not as the effective wind speed but as the wind speed distribution with the Weibull function. Then, the wind speed will be an output of this distribution. The Global Wind Atlas wind speed has a 3km resolution, and you can get the Weibull Scale parameter A and Weibull shape factor k values by downloading their map. You can add A and k values in the wind resource section of Youwind Model and please make sure to empty the Mean Wind speed at 100m and 150m values. You can also upload your wind time series from GWA in the Wind Temporal Analysis section “Upload time-series file to Youwind”. We recommend however using the values in the platform that come from Vortex.
What geographic data layers are included in Youwind IT platform?
We are continuously adding new layers: from designated areas for offshore wind energy by country to technical and environmental constraints, human activities, and other useful data for calculations, such as harbours and onshore electrical substations
I’m a manufacturer, can I add my technical specifications to your platform so that the developers can use it?
We will be pleased to do so including the level of uncertainty you will be comfortable with; in case it is useful for our customer. Please contact us to evaluate each case.
How extensive is your preset library? What is the source of it?
Our IT platform includes an extensive list of preset settings. Some sources include publicly available information as well as back-engineering data based on our extensive experience in offshore wind. The specific sources will be listed on our platform.